NuEra Tight

In Chicago

12-21 DAYS

Do you have fat build-up in some stubborn areas that you just can't get rid of, no matter how hard you workout or diet? Are unwanted patches of cellulite and wrinkles getting you down? With NuEra Tight treatments at Impressions Face + Body, you'll be amazed at how these age-related issues can be addressed with this simple, fast and highly effective non-invasive treatment.

NuEra Tight in Chicago

Your aesthetic journey begins at Impressions Face + Body with our state-of-the-art NuEra Tight treatments at our Chicago clinic. Our team of experts uses this light-emitting therapy to tighten the skin in those frustratingly saggy areas, and it can also be used to reduce fat, eliminate the appearance of cellulite and more.

What is NuEra Tight?

NuEra Tight is the revolutionary next step in skin tightening. One of the most requested non-invasive therapies on the market, it uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate the production of dermal collagen, tightening and revitalizing the skin on even the most stubborn patches on your face, neck and body.

Chicago's Trusted NuEra Tight Specialists

Impressions in Chicago is known for being state-of-the-art, and they're proud to offer revolutionary NuEra Tight treatments. Our staff, led by Dr. Steven Dayan, is at the leading edge in the body aesthetics field, and their commitment to their patients is renowned in the industry. When you visit Impressions Face + Body, you're guaranteed excellent results, with us having industry-leading technology and a staff of caring professionals who are second to none.

What to Expect for Your NuEra Tight Procedure

As Chicago's leading NuEra Tight specialists, Impressions Face + Body offers personalized body sculpting treatments that reduce the appearance of fat, wrinkles, and cellulite and tighten skin through amazing radiofrequency treatments.

Your NuEra Tight Consultation

Your Impressions Face + Body experience starts with a comprehensive consultation, where our staff explains the technology behind NuEra Tight and the results you can expect to see. This is a great time to ask any questions about the treatment that might be on your mind while you'll also be given detailed instructions about preparing for the procedure. You'll also get a clear price breakdown, so you know exactly what the procedure will cost, with no pricey surprises waiting for you after the treatment.

How to Prepare for Your NuEra Tight Treatment

There's very little prep needed for a NuEra Tight Treatment. You'll be advised to remove any metal piercings in the treated area. Before your procedure, you'll be administered a cooling gel to the treated area. As it's non-invasive, the whole process should be comfortable, like a hot stone massage.

During Your NuEra Tight Procedure

During your treatment, the NuEra Tight electrode will be applied to the chosen area on your body that you want to be treated. The device will be set to a temperature specific to the type of skin issue you're having addressed and will be moved slowly in a circular fashion to treat the targeted area evenly.

NuEra Tight Aftercare & Recovery Timeline

The treatment lasts 15-30 minutes, and no downtime is needed. You should see results quickly, although typically, a series of treatments are required for optimal results, all of which will be explained during your consultation.

Am I a Good Candidate for NuEra Tight?

Given how safe the procedure is, anyone can be a good candidate for treatment. However, if you are pregnant, have metal implants or recently got fillers, you should avoid the treatment for now.

NuEra Tight Benefits

NuEra Tight can significantly reduce the appearance of fat and wrinkles and is very effective at treating areas affected by cellulite. It's a popular treatment for the face area, chin, jowls, buttocks, thighs, abdomen and more.
How much does a NuEra Tight session cost in Chicago?
The cost of a NuEra Tight session at our Chicago clinic varies depending on what areas are being treated and what your ultimate goals are. The fees will be explained in detail during our initial consultation.
Are There Any NuEra Tight Risks?
NuEra Tight is a safe and effective treatment but should be avoided in areas that have metal implants or heavy tattooing.
How many NuEra Tight treatments are needed?
The number of NuEra Tight treatments varies depending on your goals. More stubborn areas like cellulite may need additional sessions, but many patients notice a difference immediately.
How long does NuEra skin tightening last?
The benefits of a NuEra skin tightening procedure should last at least six months, but with maintenance treatments and a healthy regime, you should be able to maintain your results for a long time.
Is NuEra Tight painful?
The NuEra Tight treatments are painless, with many patients saying it feels like a refreshing stone massage.
Is NuEra Tight permanent?

While NuEra Tight treatments aren't permanent, regular maintenance sessions and a healthy routine can leave you looking and feeling great for a long time.

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NuEra Tight
  • How much does a NuEra Tight session cost in Chicago?
  • Are There Any NuEra Tight Risks?
  • How many NuEra Tight treatments are needed?
  • How long does NuEra skin tightening last?
  • Is NuEra Tight painful?
  • Is NuEra Tight permanent?
Other Non-Surgical Procedures Available at Impressions Face + Body